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Automatic On-Board Recording Devices

What is an Automatic Onboard

Recording Device (AOBRD)?


An automatic onboard recording device or AOBRD was the original term used in the FMCSAs regulation 49 CFR Part 395. AOBRDs are devices that automatically collect driver’s hours of service. “The FMCSA requires these devices to be tamperproof and are required only to prevent updates to the electronic record by the person who is actually driving while the vehicle is in motion. The on-board recorder must be capable of recording separately each driver’s duty status when there is a multiple driver operation.


What is an Electronic Onboard Recorder (EOBR)?

An electronic device attached to a motor vehicle that records critical vehicle information for fuel consumption, engine performance and idle control, vehicle maintenance, trailer temperature control, and chain-of-custody reporting (FDA compliance). “On January 31, 2011, the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) proposed a rule requiring Electronic On-Board Recorders for interstate commercial truck and bus companies.”1 The FMCSA has since changed the term “electronic onboard recorders” following MAP-21, which is the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act. It was signed into law on July 6, 2012. EOBR was initially proposed as the term that would replace AOBRD.


What is a record of duty status (RODS)?

In 2010, the FMCSA announced “regulatory guidance concerning the requirement for interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers to prepare, in duplicate, a record of duty status for each 24-hour period. FMCSA has determined that the current requirement may be satisfied through the preparation of an original handwritten record, and subsequent electronic submission to the motor carrier of a scanned image of the original record; the driver would retain the original while the carrier maintains the electronic scanned electronic image along with any supporting documents.”




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